As www.akpakimya.com, we show utmost sensitivity to the security of your personal data. Your personal data is processed and stored in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“GDPR”).
1. How Your Personal Data May Be Processed
In accordance with GDPR No. 6698, your personal data you share with www.akpakimya.com may be obtained, recorded, stored, changed, rearranged, in short, by obtaining, recording, storing, changing, rearranging, in whole or in part, automatically or by non-automatic means as part of any data recording system. It can be processed by us as the subject of any kind of processing. Any operation performed on data within the scope of GDPR is considered as "processing of personal data".
2. Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Your Personal Data
Personal data you share,
It will be processed in accordance with GDPR No. 6698 and relevant secondary regulations.
3. Information About Third Parties or Organizations To Which Your Personal Data May Be Transferred
Persons/organizations to which your personal data you share with www.akpakimya.com may be transferred for the purposes stated above; our main shareholders, shareholders, advertisers, direct or indirect domestic / foreign subsidiaries; Particularly, but not limited to, member companies using the www.akpakimya.com infrastructure and individuals and organizations related to the service offered, program partner organizations, domestic / international organizations and other organizations from which we receive services and cooperate in order to carry out our activities and/or as Data Processors. They are third parties and organizations.
Our regulations regarding cookies to be used for advertising purposes are the "www.akpakimya.com Cookie Policy" and form a part of the "Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy" you are currently reading. Please click to learn about our Cookie Policy. (You can access the required cookie policy sample via the link at the bottom of the document)
4. How Your Personal Data is Collected
Your personal data,
5. Your Personal Data Obtained Before GDPR Comes into Force
www.akpakimya.com did not start publishing before April 7, 2016, the effective date of GDPR, so we do not store any personal data before this date. (If your website collects data before this date, it must be stated how the data is processed and stored.)
6. Transfer of Your Personal Data
Your personal data collected by any of the methods listed above, to be processed in Turkey or to be processed and stored outside Turkey, provided that it remains within the scope of GDPR and is located abroad in accordance with the contractual purposes (accredited by the Personal Data Board and where there is adequate protection for the protection of personal data). countries) to service intermediaries.
Your Personal Data;
It can be transferred when deemed necessary.
7. Storage and Protection of Personal Data
www.akpakimya.com protects the systems and databases where your personal data is stored by preventing the unlawful processing of personal data in accordance with Article 12 of the GDPR and preventing access by unauthorized persons; In order to ensure their protection, they are obliged to take software and physical security measures such as hashing, encryption, transaction recording, and access management. If it becomes known that personal data has been obtained by others through illegal means, the situation will be reported to the Personal Data Protection Board immediately, in accordance with legal regulations and in writing.
8. Keeping Personal Data Current and Accurate
In accordance with Article 4 of the GDPR, www.akpakimya.com has the obligation to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. In this context, in order for www.akpakimya.com to fulfill its obligations arising from the current legislation, our members are required to share their accurate and up-to-date data or update it via the website / mobile application.
9. Rights of the Personal Data Owner Pursuant to Law No. 6698
Article 11 of GDPR No. 6698 entered into force on 07 October 2016, and in accordance with the relevant article, the rights of the Personal Data Owner after this date are as follows:
10. Contact and Application Method
The Data Controller Representative to be appointed by www.akpakimya.com will be announced in the Data Controllers Registry and on the internet address where this document is located, when the legal infrastructure is provided.
Personal Data Owners can direct their questions, opinions or requests to the e-mail address info@akpakimya.com.
www.akpakimya.com may give a positive/negative response to the submitted requests in writing or digitally, provided that it is justified and responds within 30 days. It is essential that the necessary procedures regarding requests are free of charge. However, if the transactions require a cost, ornekalanadi.com reserves the right to request a fee. These fees are determined by the Personal Data Protection Board based on the tariff determined in accordance with Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Law.
By sharing your personal data on our website, applications and other channels, you will be able to access our Personal Data Policy and the conditions in our policy regarding processing, processing methods, transfer, sale of data and other related issues, on the web page of the data shared with www.akpakimya.com, a social media application. You agree that it can be used in applications and social media channels, that notifications and suggestions can be made, that it can be shared with third parties in a commercial sense, provided that it is for the benefit of the members, and that you will apply to www.akpakimya.com before exercising your legal rights. You hereby declare that you accept it with an "explicit consent", which is defined as consent based on information and free will.
This agreement last 01/12/21 Updated on.
As AKPA Kimya Ambalaj Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., we place utmost importance on the security of your personal data. With this awareness, we attach great importance to processing and preserving all kinds of personal data belonging to individuals associated with the Company, including those benefiting from our products and services, in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("GDPR"). As Data Controller with full awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data within the framework of the limits prescribed by legislation as explained below.
The privacy of your personal life and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms are our fundamental principles during the use of your personal data in our services.
Purposes of processing your personal data and legal grounds:
Within the scope of the laws and relevant regulations to which our company is subject, your personal data such as identity information, address, telephone number, tax number, and other information, which are considered as personal data within the scope of the GDPR, are processed in accordance with the GDPR to be used in the services to be provided to you, to perform our services, to determine the owner and addressee of all kinds of transactions and transactions to be realized within this scope, to keep records of information and documents that will be the basis for transactions and transactions to be carried out on paper or electronically, to comply with the information storage, reporting, and notification obligations prescribed for all judicial and administrative competent authorities in accordance with the relevant legislation, to perform our services within the scope of the laws we are subject to, and to offer other services provided or requested by our company.
In case one of the conditions listed below in the 2nd paragraph of Article 5 of the GDPR titled "Conditions for Processing of Personal Data" exists, processing of personal data without explicit consent of the relevant person is possible:
Explicitly prescribed by the laws.
It is mandatory for the protection of life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is unable to express consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid.
Transfer of Your Personal Data:
Even if there is no explicit consent of the personal data subject, personal data may be transferred to third parties by our Company under the conditions specified below, with due care and necessary security measures taken, including the methods prescribed by the Board.
Clearly prescribed in the laws regarding the transfer of personal data,
It is directly related and necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract for the transfer of personal data by the Company,
In addition to the above, personal data may be transferred to foreign countries ("Adequate Countries") declared to have adequate protection by the Board if any of the above conditions exist. If adequate protection is not available, personal data may be transferred to foreign countries ("Countries where the Data Controller Providing Adequate Protection is Located") where data controllers in Turkey and the relevant foreign country provide adequate protection in writing and with the permission of the Board, in accordance with the data transfer conditions prescribed in the legislation.
Deletion, Destruction, or Anonymization of Personal Data:
a. Personal data is deleted, destroyed, or anonymized by the data controller ex officio or upon the request of the data subject if the reasons requiring processing despite being processed in compliance with this Law and other relevant laws cease to exist.
b. Provisions of other laws regarding the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of personal data are reserved.
c. Procedures and principles regarding the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of personal data are regulated by regulation.
Your rights under Article 11 of the Law:
By applying to our Company, you have the right to;
Learn whether your personal data has been processed,
Data Controller to whom you can apply under the Law:
AKPA Kimya Ambalaj Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Contact Link: www.akpakimya.com
Yenibosna Central Neighborhood Ladin Street No:36/70 Townofis Floor: 12 34197
Bahçelievler, İstanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90(212) 580 55 59
Email: info@akpakimya.com
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